The dates are real, but the events are not... well, except when fictional characters participate in real historical events. Then the events ARE real, you know, kinda sorta, but not really, not anymore, because now they're different.
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Total Records: 17 - Group: DATES / Category: 21ST CENTURY: 30S AND UP / Subcategory: BIRTH DATES
Record Name
2038 - 14 years from now
1March 31, 2038 READ ONLY MEMORIES: NEURODIVER 2022 Video Games21st Century: 30s and upBirth Dates

March 31, 2038
Jessica Meas born - telepath employed by the powerful organization MINERVA.

2039 - 15 years from now
3July 15, 2039 LOOPER 2012 Film21st Century: 30s and upBirth Dates

July 15, 2039
The Rainmaker born.

2059 - 35 years from now
3June 24, 2059 ALIENS 1986 Film21st Century: 30s and upBirth Dates

June 24, 2059
Ellen Ripley's daughter Amanda Ripley McClaren born.

2064 - 40 years from now
3December 25, 2064 2064: READ ONLY MEMORIES 2015 Video Games21st Century: 30s and upBirth Dates

December 25, 2064
Christmas Day. Turing leads the newborn machine race.

2065 - 41 years from now
3November 16, 2065 DREDD 2012 Film21st Century: 30s and upBirth Dates

November 16, 2065
Date of Birth of one of the criminals at the Zooted Dawg restaurant.

2069 - 45 years from now
3July 13, 2069 ALIEN 1979 Film21st Century: 30s and upBirth Dates

July 13, 2069
Brett born.

2076 - 52 years from now
3February 27, 2076 ALIEN 1979 Film21st Century: 30s and upBirth Dates

February 27, 2076
Dallas born.

2079 - 55 years from now
3May 2, 2079 RETURN TO THE PLANET OF THE APES 1975 Animated Series21st Century: 30s and upBirth Dates

May 2, 2079
Roland Brent born.

2080 - 56 years from now
3February 4, 2080 ALIEN 1979 Film21st Century: 30s and upBirth Dates

February 4, 2080
Parker born.

2081 - 57 years from now
3March 28, 2081 ALIENS 1986 Film21st Century: 30s and upBirth Dates

March 28, 2081
Gilbert Ward Kane born.

2083 - 59 years from now
3April 20, 2083 ALIEN 1979 Film21st Century: 30s and upBirth Dates

April 20, 2083
Kane born.

2090 - 66 years from now
3June 9, 2090 ALIENS 1986 Film21st Century: 30s and upBirth Dates

June 9, 2090
Arthur Dallas Coblez born.

2091 - 67 years from now
3September 2, 2091 ALIENS 1986 Film21st Century: 30s and upBirth Dates

September 2, 2091
Samuel Elias Brett born.

2092 - 68 years from now
3January 7, 2092 ALIEN 1979 Film21st Century: 30s and upBirth Dates

January 7, 2092
Ripley born.

2093 - 69 years from now
3February 19, 2093 ALIENS 1986 Film21st Century: 30s and upBirth Dates

February 19, 2093
Dennis Monroe Parker born.

3November 7, 2093 ALIEN 1979 Film21st Century: 30s and upBirth Dates

November 7, 2093
Lambert born.

2098 - 74 years from now
3September 13, 2098 ALIENS 1986 Film21st Century: 30s and upBirth Dates

September 13, 2098
Joan Marie Lambert born.

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